February 1st - 1st Quarter Taxes Due

Mail Early to Avoid Late Payment Interest Charges!
Yellow warning sign that says taxes due
Taxpayers Please Take Note!!
       Mail Quarterly Tax Payments Early to Avoid Late Payment Interest Charges
  • If you pay by mail, mail early:  Mail service over the past year and a half has been less reliable and is now projected to take even longer for delivery going forward.   It was noted by the collector’s office during the past quarterly collection that mail delivery was taking substantially longer than it had in the past, based on observation of the postmarks.  
  • Postmarks: The State of New Jersey does not allow the use of postmarks for tax payment acceptance dates, so payments must be in our office by the end of the grace period by closing time on the due date.
  • Bank’s Bill Pay: Payments may also be made by using bill pay from your bank. When using bill pay make sure to include your block, lot, and qualifier (if any) and/or account number in the memo. Payments lacking property identification may be returned. Please note, bill pay payments are not electronic, your bank converts these payments into a paper check that is mailed through the postal system. Keep in mind when scheduling your payment to allow enough time to be delivered by the due date. We suggest at least 7-10 days.