New Jersey Department of Health

Covid-19 Vaccine Update
Bottles of corona virus vaccine
As you are well aware, New Jersey has expanded the criteria for those who are now eligible to receive the vaccine. With the amount of feedback we’ve received, we wanted to share a quick update with you on the next concrete steps to ensure our seniors and those at the highest risk are vaccinated.
With the expansion of eligibility into more categories, there are now many more people who can get vaccinated, but the vaccine supply is still very limited. There will be more vaccine with each coming week. We urge you to be patient. Currently, we have been receiving a little over 100,000 doses a week so only 100,000 people can be vaccinated each week. While people are encouraged to pre-register, there are currently many more people seeking vaccination than there are appointments available across the state. We are continuing to expand our network of dispensing sites and have set up mega sites in every region to accommodate large numbers of people at one site. That will change as supply increases and additional slots become available for people to make appointments. The NJ Vaccine Scheduling System will notify those who have registered in batches that they can now schedule appointments.
Additional information from the State of New Jersey may be found here.