Land Use Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 18, 2019


March 18, 2019

MEMBERS PRESENT:         Andrews, Boland, Boyle, Conklin, Holenstein, Lazzaro, Passafaro, Prommel, Richardson, Smith and Wilcox

MEMBERS ABSENT:            Erb, Rome

ALSO PRESENT:                  Mr. Lyn Aaroe, Esq., Mr. David Simmons, P.E.                                                   

Mr. Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. with the statement that this meeting is in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 and 13, as advertised by Annual Notice.  If the applicant is a partnership or corporation, an attorney must represent it.  No new applications will be heard after 10:00 P. M.  No new testimony will be heard after 11:00 P. M.

Mr. Andrews invited all present to participate in the salute to the flag.

Reappointed member, Ms. Wilcox was sworn in at this time.


Mr. Boland moved acceptance of the minutes for the February 27, 2019 meeting as posted and waived reading.  Ms. Prommel second.  Roll Call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Prommel, Richardson, Boyle, Conklin, Passafaro, Boland, and Andrews. Opposed: None.  So moved.


As shown on the attached agenda.


Sharma Application #520-2018, Block 1901 Lot 4.03, “C” Variance

Mr. Boland motioned to approve the Resolution for a “C” variance and a planning variance regarding the undersized lot and lack of road frontage as decided upon by the board at the February 27, 2019 meeting, subject to the condition adding the common driveway maintenance agreement.  Ms. Holenstein second.  Roll call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Prommel, Richardson, Boyle , Boland and Andrews.   Opposed: None.  So moved.




Laukaitis Application #521-2019, Block 2004 Lot 6.05, “C” Variance

Mr. Laukaitis came forward along with Elvin Frost, solar company representative, and stated that he is seeking to install a roof mounted solar panel array (20.48 kW), which is above the maximum of 15kW. Mr. Aaroe swore in Mr. Laukaitis and Mr. Frost. 

Mr. Simmons reviewed his report dated March 12, 2019 for completeness. 

Ms. Wilcox made a motion to grant waivers for county application, NJDEP permits, and impact evaluation. Mr. Richardson second.  Roll call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Prommel, Richardson, Smith, Wilcox, Boyle, Conklin, Boland and Andrews.   Opposed: None.  So moved.

Mr. Richardson made a motion for completeness. Ms. Wilcox second. Roll call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Prommel, Richardson, Smith, Wilcox, Boyle, Conklin, Boland and Andrews.   Opposed: None.  So moved.

Mr. Simmons continued to review his report. Emergency, safety and noise concerns were addressed.

Mr. Andrews opened the meeting to the Public. No one was present so the meeting was closed to the Public.

Mr. Smith made a motion to approve the application. Mr. Richardson second. Roll call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Prommel, Richardson, Smith, Wilcox, Boyle, Conklin, Boland and Andrews.   Opposed: None.  So moved.

Mr. Lazzaro arrived at 7:45 pm and joined the Board at 8:00 pm.


Bear Brook Administrative Consent Order

Mr. Aaroe explained to the Board that this has been an ongoing matter in the town and is now ready for final signatures. One of the signatures required is the Chairman of the Land Use Board. Mr. Richardson made a motion to authorize the Chairman of the Land Use Board to sign as representative of the Board the Bear Brook Administrative Consent Order. Ms. Holenstein second. Roll call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Richardson, Smith,  Boyle, Conklin, Boland and Andrews.   Opposed: None.  So moved

Solar Ordinance

Ms. Prommel suggested the Board consider revisions to the current solar ordinance. We have been receiving more applications needing variances based on the maximum size of the solar array. A discussion followed regarding different standards for different types of arrays (roof vs. ground), as well as possible differences based on the zoning of the property.  It was requested that the Land Use Board secretary research the solar regulations/restrictions/ordinances of other towns.


Township Committee

The new fire truck, which immortalizes Mr. John Richardson, was purchased without bonding. New playground equipment is being installed at Lodestar Park. There have been many complaints regarding property on Fredon Marksboro Rd. The appropriate authorities are involved in investigating this matter. The last piece of the Bear Brook property was sent out to bid. Also, Mr. Richardson stated that as of January 31, 2019, there are 65 abandoned properties in town. The Fire Company is aware of them and is watching them very carefully.

Environmental Committee

No meeting. No Report

Mr. Aaroe agreed to contact Ms. Banyra regarding some planning questions.

There being no further business before the Board, a motion was made to adjourn at 8:25 P.M.  All in favor.  So moved.


Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Carlson

Land Use Board Secretary