Land Use Board Meeting Minutes 4/15/19

Meeting date: 
Monday, April 15, 2019


April 15, 2019

MEMBERS PRESENT:         Andrews, Boland, Boyle, Conklin, Erb, Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Richardson, and Smith

MEMBERS ABSENT:            Passafaro, Rome, and Wilcox

ALSO PRESENT:                  Mr. Lyn Aaroe, Esq.                                                 

Mr. Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. with the statement that this meeting is in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 and 13, as advertised by Annual Notice.  If the applicant is a partnership or corporation, an attorney must represent it.  No new applications will be heard after 10:00 P. M.  No new testimony will be heard after 11:00 P. M.

Mr. Andrews invited all present to participate in the salute to the flag.


Mr. Smith moved acceptance of the minutes for the March 18, 2019 meeting as posted and waived reading.  Mr. Richardson second.  Roll Call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Richardson, Smith, Boyle, Conklin, Boland, and Andrews. Opposed: None.  So moved.


As shown on the attached agenda.


Laukaitis Application #521-2019, Block 2004 Lot 6.05, “C” Variance

Mr. Boland motioned to approve the Resolution for a “C” variance to install a solar array as decided by the board at the March 18, 2019 meeting. Mr. Lazzaro second.  Roll call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Prommel, Richardson, Smith, Boyle , Conklin, Boland and Andrews.   Opposed: None.  So moved.


23 Players Boulevard, LLC application #516-2018 Block 1802 Lot 8.02 “D” Variance

Mr. Andrews read a letter from Mr. Steven Schepis, Esq. dated April 3, 2019  requesting to withdraw the above application and have it dismissed without prejudice. Mr. Lazzaro motioned to dismiss the application without prejudice. Ms. Holenstein second. Roll Call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Richardson, Smith, Boyle, Erb, Boland, and Andrews. Opposed: None. So moved.


Metzgar Application #522-2019, Block 1903 Lot 2.03, “C” Variance

Mr. Metzgar came forward, and stated that he is seeking to build a shed, and needs a variance due to the setback requirements for the proposed location. Mr. Aaroe swore in Mr. Metzgar. 

Mr. Simmons did not generate a report for this application, therefore Mr. Andrews reviewed the checklist for completeness. After initial discussions, Mr. Boland made a motion to find the general application (not the variance application) complete. Mr. Lazzaro second. Roll call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Richardson, Smith, Boyle, Erb, Boland, and Andrews. Opposed: None.  So moved.

Mr. Andrews continued to review the variance application checklist for completion. Mr. Metzgar was requesting waivers on many items. After a detailed discussion regarding the variance application, Mr. Boland made a motion to grant a waiver with respect to the impact evaluation (checklist item #9), and to deny the following waivers:

 Checklist Item #1: Eighteen copies of accurate survey plot plan showing the property and the location of all buildings existing and proposed and their setbacks from property lines and other pertinent dimensions.

Checklist Item #2: Site plan dimension details where required by the Land use board or by ordinance.

Checklist Item #7: Photographs of existing structures, topographical features and structures on adjoining properties.

Checklist Item #8: Distances from existing and proposed buildings on the property to buildings and structures on adjacent lots.

Checklist Item #10: A table of proposed setbacks, lot areas, lot widths, building coverages, lot coverages, building areas, floor area ratios, residential density, number of regular and handicapped parking spaces and gross area of landscaping, compared to the related zoning requirements.

Mrs. Prommel second. Roll Call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Richardson, Smith, Boyle, Erb, Boland, and Andrews. Opposed: None. So moved.

Mrs. Prommel made a motion to find this application incomplete. Mr. Richardson second. Roll call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Richardson, Smith, Boyle, Erb, Boland and Andrews.   Opposed: None.  So moved.

After the applicant left, Ms. Holenstein asked if the board should require Mr. Metzgar to ask for an additional variance for the front yard setback for the pool (a pre-existing, non-conforming issue). The board decided to make that determination after reviewing the additional information to be provided by the applicant, and will advise Mr. Metzgar accordingly.


Solar Ordinance

The board discussed the goal to amend, not re-create, the current solar ordinance to reduce the need for variances. The land use board secretary contacted surrounding towns and provided a brief summary of some of the key items. Copies of “Guidance for creating a solar friendly ordinance” (provided Mr. Boland) were given to all of the board members at the meeting. Several things to consider are raising the kW limits, roof mounted vs. ground mounted, zoning differences, and the need to keep residential requirements separate from commercial requirements. It was decided to come back next month with suggestions, allowing everyone the opportunity  to review the information provided.

ECHO Housing

Mrs. Prommel started the discussion with an overview. She told the board that the Township Committee had requested a townwide survey be completed to assess the needs and concerns regarding ECHO housing. She said that overall the comments were very positive, but there were also some concerns that would need to be addressed. Septic and utility issues are a main issue, as well as making sure that the temporary housing is removed when it is no longer needed. A copy of Lafayette’s ECHO housing ordinance will be forwarded to all members of the board, in addition to information regarding any current ECHO housing that Lafayette may already have.


Township Committee

Mr. Smith stated that the township engineer has been requested to do a survey to prioritize road maintenance needs (the last survey was done in 1992). This will help to maximum the money in the budget, as well as any available grant money, to complete required maintenance.

Environmental Committee

No meeting. No Report

There being no further business before the Board, a motion was made to adjourn at 8:50 P.M.  All in favor.  So moved.


Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Carlson

Land Use Board Secretary