Land Use Board Meeting Minutes January 29, 2020

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 29, 2020


January 29, 2020


MEMBERS PRESENT:          Boland, Boyle, Conklin, Erb, Holenstein, Lazzaro, Passafaro, Prommel, and Rome

MEMBERS ABSENT:            Andrews, Richardson, and Wilcox

ALSO PRESENT:                   Mr. Lyn Aaroe, Esq., Mr. David Simmons, P.E.                                                      

Mr. Aaroe, acting as chairman pro-tem, called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. with the statement that this meeting is in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 and 13, as advertised by Annual Notice.  If the applicant is a partnership or corporation, an attorney must represent it.  No new applications will be heard after 10:00 P. M.  No new testimony will be heard after 11:00 P. M.

Mr. Aaroe invited all present to participate in the salute to the flag.

Reappointed members, Mr. Boyle and Mrs. Prommel were sworn in at this time.

Mr. Aaroe, acting as Chair Pro Tem announced that the Robert Occhifinto Use Variance Application #525-2019 is carried to the February 26, 2020 meeting without further notice.

Mr. Aaroe, acting as Chair Pro Tem opened the floor for nominations for Chairman of the Land Use Board for the year 2020.  Ms. Prommel nominated Mr. Boland.  Mr. Rome second.  A motion for nominations to be closed was made by Mr. Rome.  Ms. Prommel second. Roll call vote: In favor Holenstein, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none.  So moved.

Chairman Boland opened nominations for Vice Chairman.  Mr. Rome nominated Mr. Andrews. Mr. Boland second.  A motion for nominations to be closed was made by Ms. Prommel. Ms. Holenstein second.  Roll call vote: In favor Holenstein, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none.  So moved.

Chairman Boland called for nominations for Land Use Board Attorney. Ms. Prommel nominated Mr. Lyn Aaroe.  Ms. Holenstein second.  A motion for nominations to be closed was made by Ms. Prommel.  Ms. Holenstein second.  Roll call vote: In favor Holenstein, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none.  So moved.

Mr. Lazzaro arrived at 7:35 pm. He was sworn in by Mr. Aaroe.

Chairman Boland called for nominations for Land Use Board Engineer.  Ms. Holenstein nominated Mr. David Simmons of Harold E. Pellow & Associates.  Ms. Prommel second.  A motion for nominations to be closed was made by Mr. Boland.  Mr. Rome second.  Roll call vote: In favor Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none.  So moved.

Chairman Boland opened nominations for Planner.  Ms. Prommel nominated Ms. Eileen Banyra. Mr. Boyle second. A motion for nominations to be closed was made by Mr. Rome. Ms. Prommel second. Roll call vote: In favor Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none.  So moved.

Chairman Boland called for nominations for Secretary.  Mrs. Prommel nominated Patricia Carlson.  Ms. Holenstein second.  A motion for nominations to be closed was made by Ms. Holenstein. Ms. Prommel second.  Roll call vote:  In favor Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none.  So moved.

Ms. Holenstein made a motion to approve the scheduled meeting dates as presented.  Ms. Prommel second.  Roll call vote: In favor Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none.  So moved.

Ms. Holenstein moved to approve  the Official Newspapers and Legal Newspapers, The New Jersey Herald and the Sunday New Jersey Herald.  Ms. Prommel second.   Roll call vote:  In favor Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none.  So moved.

Mr. Lazzaro moved to approved the New Jersey Herald as the Designated Newspaper for Legal Notice Purposes. Ms. Holenstein second. Roll call vote: In favor Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none.  So moved.

Chairman Boland asked for volunteers to serve on the Land Use Board Review Committee.  Mr. Boland, Mr. Boyle, Ms. Holenstein and Mr. Rome volunteered. Roll call vote: In favor Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none. So moved.

Chairman Boland opened nominations for Environmental Commission Liaison.  Ms. Holenstein nominated Mr. Chris Boyle.  Ms. Prommel second. Roll call vote: In favor Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none.  So moved.


Ms. Prommel moved acceptance of the minutes for the June 17, 2019 meeting as posted and waived reading.  Mr. Boyle second.  Roll call vote: In favor Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland.  Opposed: none. So moved.


As shown on the attached agenda.






23 Players Blvd (Bear Brook Valley) Application #526-2020 Block 1802 Lot 8.02, Minor Site Plan

Mr. Steven Schepis, Esq., Mr. Matthew Smetana, licensed architect, and Mr. Perry Bonadies, owner, came forward to present the application. Mr. Aaroe swore in Mr. Smetana.  Mr. Bonadies is proposing to build a minor expansion (two story 700 sq.ft ft. floor plan for a total of about 1400 sq. ft), which will include part storage/part office. The additional storage space is needed to store tables, and wedding items dropped off by the brides prior to the wedding. It will include a secondary entrance for the band. Additional refrigerator and freezer will be placed on the lower level. The outside of the building will blend in with the style of the main banquet facility, already in place. Although it is two stories, Mr. Schepis stated that the addition will look like a one story building with a basement. The side entrance faces the parking lot.

He is also proposing to build a gazebo and a trellis. The gazebo will be a free standing structure. It will be an outdoor covered space that can be used in case of bad weather. The size is expected to be 144 sq. ft. The purpose of the proposed trellis is to provide shade in the summer in the area by the existing shuffleboard course. It will be an open structure (no roof) and will be contructed of stone and wood timber. The proposed size is 168 sq. ft and 10 ft. tall.

The next witness, Mr. David Egarian, licensed professional engineer, came forward and was sworn in by Mr. Aaroe. He presented the drawings which showed the current facility with the proposed additions. Mr. Egarian testified that he had received copies of reports from D. Simmons, engineer and E. Banyra, planner and had revised the drawings based on concerns identified in their reports.  It was labeled Exhibit A-1 dated 1/29/2020. The drawings had a revision date of 1/28/2020 to sheets 1, 3 and 4.

Mr. Simmons reviewed his report dated January 21, 2020 for completeness.  Mr. Simmons stated that he had previously worked with the applicant. It was determined that this would not be a problem going forward with this application. Mr. Simmons recommended granting the requested waivers since most of these were previously addressed on the original site plan. It was noted in Ms. Banyra’s report that the proposed trellis is in the front yard, therefore it would need a variance. Mr. Aaroe stated that the notice provided is acceptable for a variance, so the application can proceed. Mr. Simmons continued to review his report. Discussions were held on the remaining items on Mr. Simmons’s report. Many items were addressed by the revisions Mr.Egarian presented.

Mr. Simmons was asked to read Ms. Banyra’s report in her absence. A discussion was held regarding the number of parking spaces needed. Based on the square footage, an additional 19 spaces may be required. Mr. Bonadies stated that there is space along the roadway to add the spaces, but he does not want to build them at this time. He is requesting that they be considered “bank spaces” which can be added later if necessary. He currently does not feel he needs them since his facility is considered a “destination location” and many of the guests arrive at the facility in buses and vans, therefore not using the spaces already there. Mr. Aaroe stated that this is a common practice and can be addressed in the resolution.

The location of the trellis was discussed. Mr. Perry Bonadies, owner/manager, was sworn in at this time by Mr. Aaroe. Mr. Bonadies stated that the trellis goes hand in hand with the existing location used by the groom and his groomsmen before the ceremony. The men arrive early before the wedding to hang out and play corn hole, shuffleboard and other lawn games. The trellis will provide needed shade, and based on the location is shielded from the road and houses. No lighting is required since these are not night time activities. He stated that the gazebo will be used for outside weddings during warm weather during rainy days. The gazebo will have soffit lighting only, no outside lights.

Mr. Boland opened the meeting for questions from the Board. No questions.

Mr. Boland opened the meeting to the Public.

Mr. Edmund Potocki, 2 Pine Valley Rd, came forward. He has concerns regarding the current lighting at the facility. He stated that it seems that every light is on day and night and it is very disturbing. He stated that he can see the shuffleboard from his house and he can hear everything from the speaker system. Mr. Bonadies stated that he never knew it was an issue and agreed to address it separately. He can keep only the security lights on during the week and will look into putting the lights on a timer.

Mr. Hans Hartmann, 9 Seminole Ct, came forward. He stated that his house is close to the shuffleboard. His concern is regarding excessive noise after the events are over. It is not acceptable to him for the guests and staff the remain afterwards making noise and cursing loudly. Mr. Bonadies recently changed managers and agreed to address these issues. He confirmed that most events are over by midnight and staff should be gone by 1 am. Mr. Bonadies offered to give him his personal phone number for future issues.

Mr. Boland stated that the residents should contact Mr. Bonadies to work with the community in addressing these issues. He invited the residents to view the plans and to discuss it with the applicant’s engineer. Many residents in attendance came forward to review the plans.

The Chairman closed the public portion of the meeting.

Mr. Lazzaro made a motion to grant the waivers on the checklist. Ms. Prommel second. Roll call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none. So moved.

Mr. Lazzaro made a motion to approve the variance regarding the trellis in the front yard and the banking of 19 parking spaces.  Ms. Prommel  second. Roll call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none. So moved.

Mr. Lazzaro made a motion to approve the minor site plan. Ms. Prommel second. Roll call vote: In favor: Holenstein, Lazzaro, Prommel, Rome, Boyle, Erb, Conklin, Passafaro and Boland. Opposed: none. So moved.

Mr. Bonadies requested that he be allowed to begin construction immediately. Mr. Bonadies signed the requested waiver. The Board requested the LUB secretary to communicate this with the Zoning Officer/Building Department.



Environmental Committee

No Report

Township Committee

Mr. Lazzaro reported that all business lately has been routine. There is nothing special to report.

There being no further business before the Board, a motion was made to adjourn at 8:55 P. M.  All in favor.  So moved.


Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Carlson

Land Use Board Secretary