Meeting date: 
Friday, March 1, 2024


MARCH 1, 2024


This REGULAR MEETING of the Fredon Township Committee was called to order by Chairman Deitz at 9:32 A.M.

Chairman Deitz advised those present that this meeting was being held in compliance with provisions of P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 & 13, as noticed to the New Jersey Herald and Sunday Herald in February 2024.


ATTENDING:                        Ms. Corcella, Mr. Plock, Mr. Deitz


ABSENT:                    Mr. Lazzaro, Mr. Nichols


Chairman Deitz invited those present to participate in a flag salute.


Chairman Deitz amended the order of agenda for discussion of the 2024 Municipal Budget with CFO, Kerri Womack. Ms. Womack reported meeting with Ray Sarinelli, RMA of Nisivoccia, LLC and former CFO Patrick Bailey to review the budget. Discussion was held about capital funding projects. Budget introduction is scheduled for March 13, 2024.




VOUCHERS and Certification of Funds Resolution 2024-32:  Upon MOTION by Committeeperson Plock, with second by Committeeperson Corcella, action was moved to approve vouchers and certification of funds resolution 2024-32 presented by CFO, Kerri Womack.


ROLL CALL:  Ms. Corcella, aye; Mr. Plock, aye; Mr. Deitz, aye. Motion carried.


Claims are listed on the attached schedule, which is made a part of the minutes of this meeting as a supplemental record.


Discussion was held regarding Civic Center usage and updating the Recreation Commission’s policies and procedures. DPW will be asked to check the Civic Center first thing on Monday mornings in order to ensure clean conditions at the facility and all DPW personnel will be trained to use the floor cleaning machine in the event it is needed for cleanup. Recreation will be holding a Workshop meeting on Wednesday March 6, 2024 for the purpose of clarifying and updating current procedures and policies.


MOTION: Upon MOTION by Committeeperson Plock, with second by Committeeperson Corcella, action was moved to hire Arthur Romain as Truck Driver/Laborer w/o CDL at a rate of $19/hour starting March 4, 2024.


ROLL CALL:  Ms. Corcella, aye; Mr. Plock, aye; Mr. Deitz, aye. Motion carried.


At this time, the meeting was opened to the public.  With no public present for comment, the meeting was closed to the public.



Upon Motion by Committeeperson Plock, with second by Committeeperson Corcella, action was moved on a RESOLUTION (as annexed) to move into EXECUTIVE SESSION at 9:58 A.M. All approved. Upon motion by Committeeperson Plock, with second by Committeeperson Corcella, members of the Committee moved out of EXECUTIVE SESSION at 10:32 A.M. Mayor Deitz advised that potential litigation was discussed. No decisions were made and the subject would be revealed at the appropriate time.


There being no further business before the Committee, upon Motion by Committeeperson Plock, with second by Committeeperson Corcella, this meeting was adjourned at 10:34 A.M. All approved.


Respectfully submitted,




Suzanne Boland, RMC

Municipal Clerk